Saturday, 26 September 2009

Jodie Playboy Shoot

Before anyone watches this video please be aware that you must
not be driving. Operating machinery, or thinking about your
current girlfriend.
All the above can cause a near fatal accident or
make you break up with your girl.

This girl is so hot, She makes me feel to drive
to brentwood and just ring the doorbell holding
some 'Toys', Chocolate and flowers
Jodie Marsh - Playboy Photoshot - Amazing videos are here

Walk like an Egyptian

My unconfirmed reports have now been confirmed,
Jodie Marsh is now a SEX BEAST creature from the gods
who will never age and keep my D**k solid for years to come.
Until my downfall that is............

Blessed with some kind of egyptian gene she will be sexy and continue to
look like my perfect partner 4eva!

God bless Jodie Marsh!

Friday, 25 September 2009

Bad Mouth

I still cant quite understand how people in my social life,
strangers and people on the net including nearly all the media find it ok to try and
bad mouth fine ass Jodie Marsh

Everybody has herd it, a lot have people have been saying it.....
well this post is for you

We all know you would wife her

Thursday, 24 September 2009

One of my fave jodie outfits

Jodie Marsh Zoo Magazine

Jodie on her boyfriend

Il be honest with you guys, I dident really watch the full video
i just found it interesting and wanted to share with you all.
By the way, if your reading this jodie, Nice Jumper B

Jodie Marsh Photoshop make over?

Heres a video of someone claiming they made jodie marsh
better using photoshop. Try and ignore the shit music and have a quick look.
If you ask me, it makes her look like any other girl.

I like jodie marsh because she is jodie

Jodie Comparison

What Size Are Jodie Marsh Breasts?

Good Question

They are infact a stunning supersized

I was always a fan of jodie but when the lady in red 'devil woman'
had her breasts enhaunced
i was thrilled

A Wet-Dream

Well the title says it all really!

So, Jodie marsh & Lindsey Dawn Mckenzie
think its ok to act like this in public and then flaunt it around
all over the internet, and magazine stands.

Well it is, And im there number 1 FAN

Whos Jodie Marsh?

So ok you live in a far-far away planet that has no tv, newspapers, magazines or any other kind of media around you. And yet you just took delivery of your brand new iPhone and you have managed to stumble across my blog by using your alien friends wifi connection some zillion light years away.

Now you can ask me

whos jodie marsh?