Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Everything Lindsey Dawn Mckenzie

Next week will be a exciting week. I am going to dedicate 2 days to the beautiful lindsey dawn mckenzie! Stay tuned for a update letting you all know when this will be. In the mean time, if your not sure who lindsey is, Just check out the video.....

Monday, 9 November 2009

Follow Me

Thats right twitter fans, You can now follow me Here

Jodie VS Katie

Heres some pictures to help the public choose on battle of the babes
Round 2


Saturday, 7 November 2009

Katie Price mentions Jodie again 'yay'

Katie Price has hit out at her former best friend Michelle Clack and long-established enemy Jodie Marsh.

The reality star admitted that she is unhappy with comments that Clack made about her in a tabloid newspaper interview recently.

Writing in her OK magazine column, Price complained: "I read the story by my bridesmaid Michelle Clack saying how I am apparently a monster. A year and a half ago she was saying in another paper what a great friend and mum I am. And how would she know about my sex life?

"If I'm a monster, Michelle, why were you friends with me for 15 years? Why did I loan you a horse and pay for its upkeep? Why did I lend you one of Princess's cribs for your newborn baby?"

The 31-year-old also said that rival glamour girl Marsh was wrong to doubt her horse-riding skills recently.

She joked: "Jodie Marsh has said I can't ride a horse. She should watch me at the Horse Of The Year Show and see if she could do it. Though, to be honest, Crufts is more her style."

Well Katie theres no need to be like that is there dear, All publicity is good publicity, And if push come to shove, I guess i could take you both on ;)